Leadership Learning Programs

Programs for Teams and Organizations


Individual Leadership Coaching

Designed to support your employees’ continual focus on desired change, this Leadership Coaching Program offers maximum access to coaching during a pre-defined period of time.

What’s included for each Employee:

  • Initial assessment tools for goal identification

  • Monthly video coaching calls 

  • Online coaching throughout the month

  • Progress data

Outcome from coaching:

  • Increased confidence in managing conflict

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Success in leading from a place of vulnerability

  • Success in fostering an inspirational work environment

  • Success in leading teams through daily and significant change

  • Improved leadership performance that is measurable

Leadership Genius


Designed to generate alignment across your organization, you and your team move through the creation and application of a Team Charter. Together, leaders will identify, define, and amplify their ideal future state: how you interact, operate, identify opportunities, and achieve success. But it doesn’t end there. True change only occur through action. The Team Charter is then applied in the field, so that feedback and data can be collected for further refinements. At the end of this work, your team will be equipped to be successful: you will increase transparency and accountability, reduce misunderstandings, and improve your ability to make decisions that are aligned with your mission.


Designed to ignite your employees’ leadership growth, Sustain offers your Leaders a Deep Dive experience into individualized key leadership concepts defined in the Team Charter so it can be brought to life. Application happens in the field through Leader Led Conversations that provide space for practice, reflection, and refinement.


Designed to take your organization to the next level, Leaders, having achieved success with Sustain, now Cascade the Team Charter concepts to their own teams, and throughout the organization. The results are tangible, observable behaviour change, across teams, that aligns with the Organization’s strategic priorities. Your team can now communicate with transparency, collaborate openly, and move forward with a shared vision of success.


Interested in learning more about our Leadership Learning Programs?

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The Methodology

A human-centered approach to organizational change.

The Actionable Change Methodology works by providing participants with thin-sliced content, meeting and coaching structures that enable them to quickly identify their own context (and relevance), and a change system for taking action.

Individuals as well as the Learning Department and Senior Leadership team access real time insights on application and perceived obstacles. Progress is monitored on an on-going basis and any required modifications are made based on what the data is telling us.

What Leaders Are Saying